About Us

So the World May Hear.
With the help of thousands of volunteers and supporters over the last three decades, Starkey Hearing Foundation has expanded our reach from Minnesota across the United States and around the world.

Starkey Hearing Foundation’s mission is to give the gift of hearing to those in need, empowering them to achieve their potential.

By focusing on education and capacity building, and by collaborating with governments, nongovernment organizations, and health leaders, our goal is to make hearing healthcare services more accessible for people around the world.
Over the past 40 years, Starkey Hearing Foundation has brought the gift of hearing to nearly 1.5 million people around the globe, inspired by co-founders Bill and Tani Austin’s drive toward sustainable community-based hearing healthcare and supported by many generous donors.
As we look ahead, our goal remains the same: access to hearing healthcare through sustainable community-based providers. To make that vision a reality, the foundation’s focus has shifted from international hearing missions to an even larger approach to systems change through in-country partnerships, education, training, and capacity building.

Starkey Hearing Foundation was founded by Mr. Bill Austin with the mission So The World May Hear.

Starkey Hearing Foundation serves over 50,000 hearing aids to those around the world without the means to obtain or afford.

100 countries around the world have been reached and served by the Starkey Hearing Foundation.

The Starkey Hearing Institute was established and graduated its first class of 12 professionals representing eight African nations.

Due to COVID-19 and its surrounding restrictions, Starkey Hearing Foundation takes responsibility to focus its supporters’ donations on what was stable and sustainable, the Starkey Hearing Institute and its dedicated students to deliver the gift of hearing.

The Starkey Hearing Institute continues to grow in sustainable philanthropy delivering the gift of hearing access to 50,000+ individuals a year from its 67 alumni using the Active Care program.

November 2023, the Starkey Hearing Institute in Zambia will have graduated more than 100 students providing a successful model in its community-based hearing health care accessibility and delivery for long-term care to all those in need.
Give the Gift of Hearing
Help us continue to spread the gift of hearing around the globe and create the next generation of hearing healthcare leaders through the Starkey Hearing Institute, a program of Starkey Hearing Foundation.