Our first phase 2 mission in October was a two-day mission in San Salvador, El Salvador. Those two days we spent in San Salvador were extremely impactful; we served over 1,100 patients and fit over 2,100 hearing aids and we didn’t do it alone. We were grateful to have the support of the national sorority, Delta Zeta. Members from their national headquarters as well as undergraduates from 4 colleges and universities joined us as we helped serve people in need. Our team was also joined by the President, Nayib Bukele, and First Lady, Gabriela Rodriguez de Bukele, of El Salvador making the mission extra special. Some of the Delta Zeta ladies shared their thoughts on the mission in El Salvador:
Alli said:
“My first day fitting patients was an experience I did not expect nor one that I can put into words. There is no way to truly communicate how beautiful and rewarding it is to see a patient’s eyes light up when they can hear for the first time. I feel so honored to have been given this experience to help others.”
Madison said:
“Having the opportunity to witness how monumental the impact Starkey Hearing Foundation has is indescribable. It was humbling to be able to give graciously of what is mine to a community that so graciously gives to one another. Often, I think we as Delta Zeta members become so entranced with the idea of raising money for our philanthropy that we miss the amazing change it offers to so many. We truly are philanthropic crusaders, and our mark is being made all over the world. To be able to work alongside members of the Starkey team has made this mission all the better. Many Starkey members have made an effort to thank us Delta Zetas and even get to know us personally. I am so thankful that I have been able to experience this mission with some of my sorority sisters from all over the states. The connections that we are forming this week show how we are not only global leaders but also global givers. I am beyond blessed to be a part of such an amazing sisterhood that offers life-altering opportunities like this. This experience will remain close to my heart forever, as I know it will to those lives that we are giving the gift of hearing.”
Rachael said:
“As Delta Zetas, we strive to give back to our community and be global citizens. Today I was blessed with the opportunity to have my life touched by these citizens of El Salvador and give graciously. The pure joy and happiness that we saw today was just a slight measure of how Delta Zeta and Starkey will truly impact their lives for good.”
Catherine said:
“Being able to see the pure joy on an individual’s face when they hear clearly for the first time is indescribable. I will never forget the love and sense of community I experienced in El Salvador.”
“I got to see a baby experience sound for the first time, and I will never forget that moment- the joy in his eyes, the happiness in his smile, the love he radiated. It was truly life-changing.”
Mary said:
“There is something truly magical about watching someone hear clearly for the very first time. These hearing aids will impact the life of this little girl, as well as her family, friends and community. My life is forever changed by this experience. Thank you, El Salvador, for sharing your light with me.”