At the beginning of 2020, members of our team traveled to Las Vegas to showcase our work at the Starkey Hearing Innovation Expo. At the Expo, we had our International Development Directors in attendance from all seven regions and team members from across the globe including the Philippines, India, Ireland, Kenya and El Salvador. At our booth, we provided many hearing professionals with insight on what our teams are doing both domestically and internationally to help the world hear.
In addition to talking about our work, we provided an exclusive opportunity to view our new immersive, 360-degree virtual reality video about the Starkey Hearing Institute. This video gives viewers a look at our Starkey Hearing Institute campus grounds and shares the purpose and importance of the Institute.
During his speech, Chairman of Special Olympics, Dr. Timothy Shriver, shared his thoughts on watching a Special Olympian hear for the first time at the World Games in 2019. He said, “I happened to have the privilege of being there, near that moment. You all are used to this but just remember for those of us who are not in your business, the chance to witness the miracles you produce is a miracle in and of itself, super huge privilege for us, all of us in Special Olympics and for me personally.”
Dr. Shriver and Special Olympian, Rob Doyle, even came to our booth to personally experience the virtual reality video. He also took the time to chat with some of our team and learn more about what we have been doing recently.
Sir Richard Branson was also kind enough to share his thoughts on his mission experience with us during his onstage interview: “And suddenly this scream of joy as she heard her mother’s voice and of all the things I’ve done in my life, that one moment I will remember above all other moments.”
While at the Expo, we took the opportunity to meet with some of our knowledge international team members, Global Committee and partners to discuss strategies for our program for the year ahead.