Penang, Kota Kinabalu

June 2013 Malaysia

Struggling with illness, the mission team arrived in Malaysia nervous about their ability to complete the mission. However, thanks to our incredible partners, Knowles Electronics and Best Hearing, the mission went seamlessly, and the team recovered with renewed energy to continue to give the gift of hearing. With the help of our partners, we fit more than 4,000 hearing aids.

The joy and smiling faces of all of the wonderful patients in Malaysia proved to be the perfect medicine for the team. Once fit by Bill Austin, one young boy began to recite the alphabet proudly with very little assistance. A young girl fit with her first set of hearing aids also moved the team. Once we turned her aids on, the girl looked at her parents and called them “mama” and “papa” for the very first time, leaving her parents tearful and speechless.

In addition, we welcomed many patients from our last mission in Malaysia back this time as volunteers. As these remarkable young adults worked with the patients, they exemplified our message that there is no such thing as disability. There is only ability.

Special Thanks

Knowles Electronics; Best Hearing; Pat and Joe Manhart

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