
October 2013 Lesotho

The mission team was ecstatic to bring the gift of hearing to Lesotho for the first time and partner with Sentebale, a nonprofit organization co-founded by Prince Harry and Prince Seeiso of Lesotho.

Patients, ranging from 4 to 101 years old, traveled from all parts of the small, landlocked country to have their hearing assessed and be fit for hearing aids. For many it was an opportunity to hear for the very first time.

Prince Seeiso joined the team to help fit hearing aids and open up the world of sound to many living in silence and isolation. "I have seen children wanting to talk to each other, and their eyes tell a thousand stories," Prince Seeiso said. "On behalf of myself, Prince Harry and Sentebale, a big thanks goes to Starkey Hearing Foundation."

Special Thanks

Prince Seeiso of Lesotho; Sentebale

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