For decades we have given the gift of hearing to people in need around the globe, helping them connect with their families and communities.
We have built and implemented our Community-Based Hearing HealthCare program around the world. Through this model, we partner with local teams to identify potential hearing aid candidates (Phase 1), fit them with hearing aids and custom earmolds (Phase 2), and also provide access to AfterCare (Phase 3), to ensure the people we help can incorporate hearing aids into their daily lives.
Yet the ultimate goal of the Community-Based Hearing HealthCare Program is to empower people so they can become self-determinate, provide for their families, and be able to share their ideas and feelings, which we consider Phase 4. We want to help them “mainstream into life” and become more active members of society who are better able to communicate with family and friends. We also hope to inspire them to reflect caring within their communities to create a compounding positive effect on the future of our world.
Mainstreaming into life for children begins with education because it’s such a vital part of shaping their future. However, in many parts of the world the students we fit with hearing aids are not being taught how to hear, listen and speak, granting them far fewer opportunities because they cannot be a part of the hearing world.
To change this trend, our Phase 4 work includes creating Hearing Institutes at existing schools for the deaf and hard of hearing that help teachers better understand the needs of students using hearing aids and equip them with the knowledge and skills to incorporate total communication into their curriculum.
This education also includes teaching parents how to use the hearing aids, how hearing loss can affect their child’s ability to learn language and communicate, and how they should incorporate verbal communication at home.
Each student will be closely monitored to track their progress in listening, speech and language. Students who progress to the level of their hearing peers are given the opportunity to move into mainstream schools.
As we continue to build Phase 4, our excitement grows about its potential to make a vast impact in helping many people be included in mainstream society.